Zip Wires, Rafting & Hanging Bridges: The Adrenaline Flows In Boquete
The first clue is the bus: this military-looking heavy beast is clearly built to cross difficult terrain, yet there is little clue as to what’s next as we climb the mountain roads through the extensive and orderly coffee plantations. Then, without warning, we are off the road and on to something which would resemble a river bed if it wasn’t for the steep incline – and for over 30 minutes we rock, roll and bang our way up the volcano.

This is Finca El Oasis, primarily a coffee farm but these days bringing in extra cash from a zip wire trail, with eight lines heading down Volcan Baru from a start point way above the clouds. Having done this before in Costa Rica, we are free from nerves and full of excitement as we mount the first platform and look along the first wire which spans the deep valley and disappears into the trees opposite.

It is, though, quite a different system from last time, with an altered body position and a completely different braking mechanism. As far as the zip experience itself goes, it is every bit as exhilarating though – there are few feelings quite like seeing the land drop away beneath you as you speed like a bird across the valley, the whole world seemingly miles below. For anyone who hasn’t done it, we can tell you that zip lining is a brilliant, thrilling experience.

So good in fact that after the last wire – the longest of the eight at 550 metres – neither of us want it to be over and would happily go back up the volcano and do it all again. It’s a long time before we stop smiling.

After the trekking (land) and the zip wire (air) it seems kind of logical to get on the water for the next adrenaline fix – and what a fantastic fix it is. Like the zip wire, this isn’t our first time white water rafting but oh wow this one is so much better than last time. Whilst our first experience, some years ago in Montenegro, was relatively tame, this one is absolutely action packed with Grade 3 rapids every few minutes along the river’s course.

With a brief mid term stop for picnic lunch, the ride is a whacking four hours long, a constantly thrilling and exciting battle against the churning waters of the Chiriqui Viejo River. There are four punters in each raft, and four rafts in the convoy, each with its own skipper or guide – ours is the fun loving Julio, but then all four skippers seem to be having at least as much fun as we are.

Julio is fast and firm with his commands….”forward” means paddle, “forward hard” means paddle like crazy, “back” is obvious, “up” means don’t paddle, but “down” means we have to dive from our sitting position into the bottom of the raft, hunkering down and holding paddles aloft to avoid being thrown into the raging waters. This usually means half the river is going to flood into the boat too. Some from the other dinghies don’t get it right and get thrown into the river, but our team of four come through unscathed and without a dunking – although this kind of rafting is pretty much the same as getting a dunking anyway.

We can’t overstate how good this is. Exciting, daring, fun, hilarious, even shocking at times, the whole experience is a fabulous adrenaline rush and, in terms of this kind of adventure, is one of the best things we’ve ever done. The sense of achievement when we get back on the bus is immense; the sense of thrill is still buzzing round our veins. For the second day in a row we just can’t stop smiling.

After the fountains trail hike, the zip line and the rafting, the hanging bridge walk through the forest canopy on our fourth day feels rather tame, apart from the panoramic views across the treetops to the volcano and a fleeting glimpse of a fabulously colourful bird, the collared redstart (no photo – they’re too quick!). Ironically the most exciting bit is right at the end, where hummingbirds hover around the flower heads long enough for Michaela to capture a few shots of these beautiful little birds.

Boquete is nearly done. It’s been extremely exciting here – had terrific adventures, seen wonderful scenery, got to know a gorgeous little town and met some great people. And that’s without mentioning the very decent restaurants (spoilt for choice) and our evening venue of choice, the Boquete Brewing Company bar with its excellent beers, brilliant music selection and live bands every night. Every evening, downing those beers, listening to that music and mulling over our day and all we’ve done, has felt like the best of travel days.

After the lethargy of the paradise beaches, Boquete has been as full on as it gets, from dawn till long after dusk. We have loved it.

It’s good to see how enchanted you were with Boquete. It’s a bit of a western enclave in the middle of the country with so many residents from North America and all the activities provided for visitors. I had also felt that sense of familiarity with the surroundings, letting the guard down a little on being abroad.
Phil & Michaela
It’s a very attractive place set in gorgeous scenery. Really enjoyed our few days there – it’s not somewhere that tempted us to stay long term but for a few days it was terrific.
Andrew Petcher
You remind me of Indiana Jones!
Phil & Michaela
I haven’t seen any of the Indiana Jones movies but I think I know what you mean…
Andrew Petcher
You are kidding me…?
Phil & Michaela
I’m afraid not. It’s a bit embarrassing from a general knowledge point of view but I’ve never really seen any films – apart from a few which I watched with my kids when they were young, I’ve never seen any at all. I can’t really explain it, I just kind of never got round to doing it…maybe I was going to watch films when I grew up and haven’t got there yet!
Looks like a lot of fun!
Phil & Michaela
It sure was!
Rather you than me. You two are definitely adrenaline junkies!
Phil & Michaela
It was brilliant Jude, especially the rafting. Great fun.
If you hadn’t mentioned the place name I’d have thought you were in Costa Rica! If I were to visit Boquete (which sounds like a place I’d really enjoy) I’d sadly have to pass on most of these activities (my silly back wouldn’t stand for it) but the hanging bridges I could do, as I did in CR. Great to virtually experience them all thanks to you however. And I love the hummingbird shots – brilliant!
Phil & Michaela
Boquete is quite similar to La Fortuna, Sarah. It was really great for a few days.
Monkey's Tale
Wish we were there! Sounds like you had so much fun! And Michaela’s knee held out for all of it! Boquete really knows how to take advantage of its location doesn’t it?
Phil & Michaela
Yes that’s a very good way of putting it, it definitely makes the most of it. Loved our few days there, was terrific, even down to the rock music/beer bar at night.
What an amazing way to say goodbye to such a beautiful place! Ziplining, rafting, a walk through the trees- fantastic all around 🙂
Fantastic 😆💕
What a fantastic trip, filled with exciting experiences. Beautiful views from he top!
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Your tales of Boquete made me feel like I’ve been there with you. Such great adventures you’ve found on and the land, air and water! I absolutely love the shots of the hummingbirds – great photos, Michaela!
Phil & Michaela
Cheers guys
Some serious adventuring here for sure, what an experience. Still. I think I’d have watched you guys do your thing and grabbed some more hummingbird/volcano shots.
Phil & Michaela
A terrific load of fun!
Stunning, chaps! All a bit much at my time of life, but I loved reading about your experiences and seeing the fabulous photos. Now, where did I put my book and slippers..?
Phil & Michaela
Ha ha….I don’t think we’ll be hanging up our paddles just yet, hopefully…
Wow! You two traveled from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. I have done all those things in different places, (except for capturing beautiful photos of hummingbirds, that one has eluded me) and agree that the sense of accomplishment is enormous and the smiles never fade. I have two all-time favorite adrenaline junky activities (tandem sky diving and dune riding). If you ever get the chance to do those, don’t hesitate. Glad Michaela’s whack on the knee didn’t interrupt her fun.
Phil & Michaela
Now those are two things we haven’t done…yet. We’d do them, though, that’s for sure. Yep her knee is still a bit sore after each hike but we’re very pleased that it recovered quickly and she/we didn’t have to miss out.
You two are amazing, so much energy. I could not do stuff like that! Beach holidays are definitely not for you. This seems like the best of your trip so far. Those views are the best. Everything else will be so tame after these adventures.
Phil & Michaela
You’re probably right, Ali, though we’re heading to the wildlife part of this trip shortly so we’re hoping for some experiences there.
Oh yes definitely, not sure how you will beat this trip though 🙂
Latitude Adjustment: A Tale of Two Wanderers
Glad you got to experience Boquete’s adventurous side and especially the rafting. Good on you guys!
Phil & Michaela
Great few days! We kept wondering where exactly your house was…?
That bus looks a little bit intimidating and definitely spells adventure! And my word – zip lining, white water rafting (and walking on the hanging bridge), that is adventure galore! So many beautiful photos, but my favourites though are of the hummingbird!
Phil & Michaela
It was great to get an adrenaline fix!…or two…
Dave Ply
You guys are having entirely too much fun! (Wish I was there.)
Sounds like an action-packed set of adventures! I’ve never been rafting before, but it’s on my bucket list. It looks like a lot of fun (as does ziplining)!! The landscape also looks gorgeous and so lush. It sounds like you guys are having a blast! Keep on smiling!
Phil & Michaela
We can absolutely recommence both – but the rafting is a great fun experience. If you get the chance, do it!!
I think of you too exploring towns, hikes, and beaches, but this was quite the adventure trek! Good for you!
Phil & Michaela
Ah we like to mix it up a bit, Ruth. The rafting was really fantastic, one of the best things of its type that we’ve done.
Annie Berger
Can only echo HeyJude’s comment about your being adrenaline junkies to the max and so many others complimenting Michaela’s award-winning hummingbird shots!
Phil & Michaela
Thank you Annie