The Curious Tale Of The Day Bag And The Dress

Puerto Tazacorte, La Palma, March 2018
The island of La Palma, in the Canaries, had given us better than expected sunshine and some great food. Puerto Tazacorte has its own charm, the blue Mediterranean and its snow white surf crashing on to the jet black volcanic sands of its beach.

After a day exploring the island by hire car we grabbed an hour or two on the beach and in the sea, but late afternoon brings a weakening sun and it was soon time to move on, most likely to that great little bar by the harbour. Unfortunately for Michaela, her bikini hadn’t dried and a beer in wet clothes would be uncomfortable, even on the pontoon bar in the setting sun.
She pulled on her beach dress – you know, one of those pretty little numbers with tassels – and removed the offending wet items of clothing. Of course, she now had nothing on under the beach dress, but it was only a couple of beers, what could possibly go wrong….
And so we enjoyed the sunset beer as the outdoor tables filled and the fishing fleet came home. After a second beer, we paid up and decided to head back to the apartment.

Unbeknown to me, under the table, the tassels on Michaela’s dress had become, inexplicably, entwined with the straps of my day bag in a unique act of self-ravelling. The result of this unfortunate event was that, as I hoisted my day bag up and over my shoulder, I also hoisted Michaela’s dress up to roughly the same level, granting all the other drinkers more than just a glimpse of bits of Michaela that should really not be for public viewing.
It’s a good job my wife has a sense of humour….

Monkey's Tale
Was this story in another post too? I felt like I’ve read it before. Very funny anyway 🙂
Phil & Michaela
Yes we’ve just put our collection of stories into one heading; they’re all re-posted but the collection is now in one place!
Monkey's Tale
Good idea!
Phil & Michaela
Yes it was, we just decided to set up a section to put our travel stories together 😁