The 2021 Obstacle Course Of Travel
Well, as far as we know, we are now on the verge of heading out to Greece, in fact our flight to Thessaloniki is tomorrow morning, Monday 19th. We say “as far as we know” because arrangements for travel are just not as straightforward as they used to be.
Let us say first though that Greece is, at the moment, one of the easier destinations, with no quarantine on arrival and no requirement for a negative test as long as you’re fully vaccinated, but there are still a number of hurdles to overcome.
First, our original intention of booking only one-way flights was scuppered by the new post Brexit rules around the 90-day limit: Brits can no longer enter the EU without proof of exit within 90 days.
And then come the COVID rules. To facilitate check-in with the airline, we have to upload our vaccination certificates, together with confirmation from the Greek Government that we have applied for our PLF (passenger locator form). Acceptance of that application by the Greeks comes in the form of a QR code which is emailed to travellers on the day of travel, meaning that for many it actually arrives while you are on your flight. You don’t know whether you’ve got it until you land in Greece and switch your mobile back on!
As far as we know, we’ve done it all correctly and we’re ready to fly: we guess we won’t really believe it until we step off Thessaloniki airport and out into that baking sun.
Our fingers are crossed that we’ll soon be doing this again….

Oh yes fingers crossed. I hope you make it and look forward to your photos
Well, I suppose it’s flying in hope then … can’t wait for your Greece photo’s! Good luck & enjoy 🇬🇷
Phil & Michaela
Thank you!
Terrie Chrones
Best wishes! And yes…so many hoops. Looking forward to you both having ouzo and a nice Greek white wine. I may or may not go to Utah for same reason. If you come home at 90 days do you wait another 90 again? Thinking turnaround flight. Big hugs.
Phil & Michaela
Hi Terrie, no you can’t do a turnaround. We’re limited to 90 days in any 180 days on a rolling basis, so if we do end up doing the full trip this time, we effectively can’t go back in for three months.
Best of luck and have a wonderful trip. It’s no wonder people have taken to RV’s!
Phil & Michaela
Thank you!
Annie Berger
I join with the others hoping you will have a wonderful and carefree trip away from the constant barrage of COVID-19 news. Drink ouzo and send photos after you have had time to unwind!
Good luck with the flight! I hope to hear soon that you travelled safely and without too much hassle 🙂 And I’ll be curious to learn how you found the whole process as we’re still trying to decide if the hoops are worth jumping through for a short break in September.
Phil & Michaela
If we get there, it will have been worth it!
Plenty of baking sun here this weekend! I hope all works out well for you, you are obviously dedicated travellers to jump through all the hoops. I’m in no desperate hurry to step on board a plane again, but I would like to escape Cornwall for the next 6 weeks!
Phil & Michaela
Yep, seriously hot in Kent too! Well, we’ll find out tomorrow whether we got through the hoops ok…
I look forward to hearing from you, to finding out if there are any surprises on the way into Greece and then hopefully some nice articles about a country so rich in history and architecture.
Wow… this is quite the process and I certainly learned a few things. I will be crossing all my digits for you guys, please do let us all know WHEN (not if) you are safely installed in your Greek home from home. Best of luck with it all.
Best of luck!
So excited to follow along on your visit to Greece!
Phil & Michaela
Thank you! We have arrived now, more to follow soon 😁
Safe travels! Looking forward to travelling vicariously through you.