- Africa, Asia, Central America, England, Greece, Independent travel, India, Mexico, North America, Photography, Transport, Travel Blog, Turkey, World food
Questions About Travel
Travelling the way we do, in regular lengthy stretches, is not something everyone is fortunate enough, well enough or even inclined to do. Whatever your chosen style of travel, there are some questions which all of us who do so are asked on a regular basis. Like… What do you miss about home? Answer: very little. My stock answer is “proper English ale” which is true, I do find myself craving a good pint sometimes. Michaela meanwhile goes straight for the roast lamb and mint sauce. With both of our families being scattered around the country, we always make a round of visits on our return and probably don’t see…
Cafes And Culture: Five Days In Thessaloniki
How typically Greek it is of our host to thoughtfully provide stocks of decent coffee and proper filters for an apartment where the coffee machine is broken and doesn’t work. You have to love the Greeks! Our other quirk here is a shower which, when placed in its holder, slowly drops down so as to shower the back wall instead of your body. Thus, to get my head in the water, it’s necessary to hold the shower head in its holder with one hand whilst approaching the water face up. I can’t help but think that I must be the spitting image of a naked Liam Gallagher coming to the…
Sugar Sugar….Or Not
For a blog site with a name like ours, and being people who go out of our way to enjoy local delicacies and specialities, there is a glaring gap in our commitment to eating our way around the world. It hardly ever occurs to us to eat anything sweet. Neither of us has much of a sweet tooth, and, whether travelling the world or back here in England, we barely ever even look at what desserts are on offer, both of us being of the opinion that anything sweet would just spoil the flavours of the great tasting meal we’ve just eaten. Sometimes though, we can’t help but think we’re…
- Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe, Independent travel, India, Photography, Thailand, Travel Blog, Turkey, World food
Markets: Look Away Now (Maybe)
Now, we know this set of photographs won’t meet with everyone’s approval, so just a quick warning: if you find pictures of animals in markets offensive or revolting, you might want to look away. But the truth is, markets across the world are fascinating places, and part of that fascination is in seeing things you wouldn’t see back home, even if some do have a certain yuk quality. Like lots of travellers we seem to have amassed a rather large collection of market shots, but these are some of the more “out there” ones from our archives…. Live eels, Riga…. Edible bugs, Oaxaca…. Delicious chocolate drink (despite appearances!), Ocotlan, Mexico……
A-Z of Travel Preparation – Part 3
Time is moving on and the anticipation and excitement is growing; we’ve moved into the last 100 days before our lifetime adventures of long term travel begin with a flight to Bangkok. And so we’re trying to get everything place now and trying to forget nothing. Continuing our check list A-Z: I is for insurance. Finding travel insurance has proved a lot more difficult, and expensive, than we thought. The main obstacles have been our ages (62 and 54)and the length of time we’ll be travelling. Most policies have restrictions on these things, and many companies supposedly offering tailor made policies actually turned out to be a waste of time…