The adventure begins
This is unusual for us, normally our adventures start in the dark early hours and a pre-dawn drive to an early flight, so it’s odd to find ourselves kicking our heels at home waiting for the time to leave. But this journey is a 4pm flight, so it’s a train to London and tube across to Heathrow, a bite and a couple of beers in Terminal 5, and we’re away. We’re flying with BA this time, which is also unusual. The flight is fine, the only items worthy of comment being the quality of the food (good!), and the amusing fact that dinner and air turbulence arrive at precisely the…
Things at airports
Off to Jordan
Jordan: the final countdown
From the cold weather of England today to the warm weather of Jordan tomorrow
Into The Unknown. A bit.
Well it’s April 1st 2019 and only a few days now until our next adventure, as on Friday (5th) we head off to Jordan. This will be our first time in the Middle East, and promises to be just a bit different. This one isn’t a true backpacking trip as we have booked all our accommodation ahead this time, mainly because the region is unfamiliar to us. We have a planned itinerary which goes something like this:- Arrive Amman late Friday Drive to Petra Saturday 3 days & 3 nights in Petra, staying in a village close to Wadi Musa, in a one bedroom Bedouin house 3 days & 3…
Next up: Jordan
Preparing for our next trip to Jordan