Next Stop Nairobi
After what has been for us a lengthy spell at home in England – it’s just over seven weeks since we flew back from California – we’re on the cusp of what is potentially our most adventurous trip so far. Our first stop will be Nairobi, though only for a single day before we’re off on an 8-day safari tour of other parts of Kenya.
Somewhat unusually for us, this initial tour is not self guided but one in which we will be taken between destinations and out into the national parks by pre-booked guides and agents – the logistics and complications of individually booked destinations made the pre-planned option so much more easy. It’s likely that this first week will be our only guided sequence of the whole trip – the rest will be much more self-propelled, so to speak.

After the week long safari we return, briefly again, to Nairobi, then head out east from where the next stage of the adventure will begin. Most of the rest of the timing is as yet undecided – by the time we reach Cape Town we anticipate that it will be November, and springtime in South Africa.
Before then, there is the little matter of a football match in Berlin tonight which has virtually our whole nation engaged and excited. Incidentally, I had a real belief about this – in fact, the whole reason we’re flying out on the 15th and not earlier is that I just felt that England would be in this Final, and I wanted to be here at home to experience it. A neat bit of foresight if ever there was one.
After that, it’s next stop Nairobi.

Good luck and have a great trip
Phil & Michaela
Thank you Brian
Safe travels. 🙏 Enjoy the wildlife 🦓and keep your wits about you. ✈️
Phil & Michaela
Thanks Jude – I think there will be times when we need to!
Safe travels you two, I imagine a guided tour to see the wild animals is probably a better option than doing it alone!
Looking forward to all the photos
Phil & Michaela
And then we’ll be on our own…..😄
Travels Through My Lens
Safe travels!
Phil & Michaela
Thank you!
Annie Berger
Haar been wondering why you hadn’t hit the road earlier – now I understand! I hope your health issues are or will soon be just a memory. Have a wonderful and exciting trip!
Phil & Michaela
Thank you Annie, it’s gonna be exciting!
Annie Berger
That was supposed to have been ‘Had … ‘
Monkey's Tale
Good luck in the game, have fun on the trip! 😊
Phil & Michaela
Thank you on both counts!
Lynette d'Arty-Cross
Wow! Good assessment of the football team. You must know the potential of these players pretty well. It’s been some years since I went to Africa but I loved it. Safe travels and good luck for the game!
Phil & Michaela
Thank you on every level!
Helen Devries
You’ll have a wonderful time…..and am longing to hear all about it!
Phil & Michaela
Looking forward to this one hugely, Helen. There may be some challenges along the way, I suspect..
Helen Devries
There certainly were years ago when Leo was in Africa…..but nothing will spoil it for you.
Have a wonderful time, stay safe and share LOADS!! I hope you manage to get around OK and see everything you would want to, but as I said before, there are always alternatives 😀
Phil & Michaela
Cheers Sarah…..very excited now (and about tonight too….)
Safe travels! Looking forward to reading about your adventures!
Phil & Michaela
Thank you guys, on our way later today
Sounds exciting. Enjoy and stay safe.
Phil & Michaela
Thank you Miriam, off very shortly!
That is great timing to still be able to catch the match before heading out on such an amazing adventure! Can’t wait to follow you to Kenya! 🙂
Phil & Michaela
Cheers Meg – well, we’ve had a very interesting start to our time in Nairobi!!
This guided week will be a great opportunity to get used to Africa and to pick up some useful tips for the future. I found London very silent on the evening of the 14th, sadly.
Phil & Michaela
Ever the bridesmaid it seems
We are finally back in East London and now I can enjoy sitting down and reading about how your new adventure is going! Can’t wait to start reading!
Phil & Michaela
I can see you’ve caught up with quite a few….all of them in fact!