Michaela’s Favourite Photographs: #6 On Top Of The World
Wadi Musa, Jordan 2019. This is the first travel photograph of this collection which wasn’t taken by Michaela. Our host Ahmed took it as he lead us on a thrilling trek through the rocky desert location around Wadi Musa, making our way eventually to the magnificent and world renowned sight of Petra. As we sat gazing at our wonderful surroundings, Ahmed took up Michaela’s camera and captured our moment.

What a great record for you of such an awesome place!
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Gorgeous! I hope you have this one framed and on the mantel.
Phil & Michaela
😀😀 No, actually…too many others!
A well-chosen location
What a wonderful picture. The views look outstanding.
Monkey's Tale
What a great picture and a great memory!
Great picture of you and that beautiful landscape 🙂
It’s rare that you get both travellers in one photo … and with such an incredible view! Beautiful memory.