Michaela’s Favourite Photographs #13. When We Are The Mystery
Sunderbans, Bengal, India, 2017. Way beyond the end of the road network, far beyond the concept of cars, out into the world’s biggest mangrove swamp where our temporary home was to be a mud hut amongst the wild and mysterious terrain. The only means of transport was small, cramped, low slung boats across the water. Here, in these far off corners, the real mystery was us: what were these two pale skinned people doing right out here where white man is a rarity? As you can see from the faces of our fellow passengers, we were a source of friendly amusement. Elsewhere around the villages, tea sellers like this lady in green were a common and welcome sight on thirsty days, brewing satisfying teas in their unique style.

Yes, you can clearly see in the photo that they find you amusing. Wouldn’t you like to know what they think?
I really enjoy their laughing smiles as they look at you 🙂
Lovely photo of the women on the ferry. I’ve never been this far off the beaten path but we found even in the tourist hot-spots of Rajasthan locals seemed fascinated with us and as keen to photograph us as we were them – and better still, to have their photos taken WITH us!
Phil & Michaela
Yep, that happens a lot in India…women have been known to stroke Michaela’s blonde hair too!
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Love these! I never, ever tire of hearing about and seeing your adventures, and you’ve sure had some wonderful ones.
I’m sure they all wanted photos with Michaela as well
Phil & Michaela