Los Angeles

Thursday January 9th. Last night was close to being one of my worst ever nights. Some of you may recall that my daughter Lindsay lives in the mountains above LA, which as you will all know is being ravaged by the unprecedented and raging wildfires.

My sons and I have been in touch with Lindsay via WhatsApp throughout the night. Lindsay and Stacey have been without power, and relying on their back up generator, for nearly 24 hours now. Their pack of important documents and essential personal items, as prescribed by state authorities, is assembled and sits on the kitchen table with the keys to their car, ready to make that race to safety. As California night time falls they go to bed with apps activated and phones by their side.

They haven’t yet received an evacuation order, but some of those who have been evacuated live just a few short miles away. One of the fires, the Lidia Fire, passed within 3 miles of Lindsay’s house, then mercifully blew southwards away from their village.

It’s morning in the UK now, midnight in LA, so Lindsay and Stacey are taking to their bed, in fear of what tomorrow may bring.

Me, I have never known a worry or fear like this in all of my life. I haven’t slept much. Please let them be safe.


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