England,  USA

For Now, A Sigh Of Relief

Thankfully the dramas of Wednesday didn’t play out for a second time. Whilst the danger cannot be said to be passed as there is still a risk of new fires, there is something of a lessening of jeopardy and there are no longer fires near to Lindsay’s village. They are still without power and probably will be for some time, relying on a generator, and the evacuation packs remain at the ready, but there’s been a sigh of relief throughout the family this morning as the level of local danger has receded. 

Alongside this relief, we are reading that at least one arsonist has been arrested for starting one of the fires, and some evacuated houses have been looted whilst empty. The despicable depths to which human beings are capable of sinking just beggar belief.

This isn’t the end, but it’s definitely an up tick. Thank you to everyone for your expressions of care and empathy and for your kind thoughts. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the feeling of my own flesh and blood being in such imminent danger.

Thursday felt odd, taking a stroll out along the north shore of the Camel Estuary on a bright but bitterly cold January day, knowing that on the other side of the stretch of the water ahead of us, Lindsay was sleeping with those alarm apps at her side.

Camel Estuary Padstow, Cornwall

As ever, the Camel Estuary and the Cornish coast were wonderfully therapeutic. It remains my happy place of all happy places.

Camel Estuary Padstow, Cornwall
Camel Estuary Padstow, Cornwall
Robin near the Camel Estuary Padstow, Cornwall


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