Travel Blog
We set up our travel blog to keep a journal of our holidays and travels, it is easy to forget details. As we Travel around the world we want to visit as many countries as possible following the sun. Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia and the Americas are all on our list to explore more
Funny Moments: Smiles From The Philippines
Again again again again again, see you again…. Every journey brings its funny moments, little encounters which we will always remember with a smile. We don’t always put these in our blog posts – sometimes they don’t fit with the narrative, sometimes they aren’t relevant to the remainder of the text, sometimes we demur just in case someone finds them offensive or insulting. But there’s been quite a few here, so here’s a sample…. It’s customary at tourist sites in the Philippines for those employed in the tourist trade to wear T-shirts with their name and job title on the back – you might get, for instance, “Archie – BOATMAN”…
The Travellers’ Prayer
To interrupt briefly our Philippines travelogue, we just had to reproduce this. On a weather beaten old sign on the edge of Sagada village, there sits a sign with a prayer. This sign is too dilapidated to be legible in a photograph, so instead we reproduce the text of the sign here in full. There’s no doubt that the words will absolutely resonate with every traveller, particularly the independent ones amongst us, and I dare say give everyone a smile…. Heavenly Father, look down on your humble, obedient servants who are doomed to travel this Earth, taking photographs, mailing postcards, buying souvenirs and walking around in drip dry underwear. We beseech…
It’s That Time Again…
We love this bit. Printed maps spread across the table, guide books poised and travel blogs open on the right page. The calendar sheets printed off from the iPad take centre stage, constantly being altered, updated, erased and re-pencilled, as we discover new destinations, unearth different transport opportunities and change the planned route one more time. Travel is such a joy that even the planning stage is always a significant source of excitement. Sparks fly every time Michaela moves. There’s only a few days to go now. Next week we head off to Heathrow, flying first to the Qatari capital of Doha for that stopover where we will discover whether…
Stopovers: Too Good To Be True?
We’d seen the offers, first from TAP we think, but hadn’t really investigated too deeply. It was only when we read a post written by Rochelle at adventuresfromelle that we started to realise that the changing concept of what a stopover might constitute may just be something which we could embrace for our benefit. What happened next seems too good to be true. Qatar Airways will be the chosen airline for our next ultimate destination, and, when booking, they were pushing a stopover in Doha. Further investigation made it clear that the difference between passing through Doha airport within three hours and stopping in the centre of Doha in a…
Where You From?
“Hello. Welcome. Where you from?” How often have we heard that on our travels? Literally, hundreds of times. It might be a barman, or someone about to tempt you into their shop, offer their services as a guide, or someone just plain being friendly, but it’s the opening gambit for all manner of introductions. Once we English have answered, the next question is usually…. “Oh, England! Where? London? Manchester?” Although for one brief summer a few years back and for reasons which possibly only the English will understand, it was… “Oh, England! Where? London? Leicester?” A while ago, at the start of a long haul flight, we heard two people…
That Was 2024
Well, our travelling for 2024 is done and dusted and we eagerly await our first adventure of the new year. We think it’s fair to say that although 2024 was another splendid year of travel, not everything went according to plan. What with having to return home when Michaela’s Dad passed away, hiking ability being blighted by hip/groin trouble, becoming unexpectedly Africa’d out and heading to Turkey instead, the year ended up with a shape significantly different from the original plan. You could say it was a year of mighty rivers, as we saw or sailed upon the Amazon, the Rio Negro, the Mississippi, the Tennessee, the Thames and the…
Can Someone Please Explain….
We’ve been having trouble with this website, so much so that we’ve discussed calling it a day. It started with difficulty in linking with certain other bloggers’ sites (hello Sarah!), for instance difficulty in leaving comments or even giving a like. Or making us sign in with password to sites to which we already subscribe, every time we commented. But then on this last trip it all went to another level…. First, contents of the entire site effectively vanished. The menu at the top disappeared and every link to every article we’d ever published was dead. None of the help teams could tell us why or how it had happened,…
Autumn Sun
Our short sojourn between adventures has provided, as our times at home usually do, an opportunity to catch up with friends, family, football… and Cornwall. A changeable week in Cornwall weather wise brought a pattern of alternate sunny and wet days, though regardless of which it was, each day was pretty mild for the time of year. A few photos from the sunny days….
Sun, Sea & Safari: Notes From The English Seaside
A short walk from our home – in fact, a very short walk, less a mile – is a dead end ditch-lined track known as Braggs Lane, which winds its way through farm fields to the edge of the woods between Herne Bay and Canterbury. The dead end is at what is known as Bleangate, one of the main entrances for hikers and ramblers to enter Blean Woods. Blean Woods, a large area of ancient woodland dating back centuries, is a designated area of special scientific interest due to its unique ecology and flora and fauna. Crossing through the centre of the woodland is a droveway which has been traced…
Our Next Adventure: Nairobi To Cape Town Through 7 Countries
Yep, that’s what we’re doing next. In the middle of July we’ll be flying out to Nairobi, so making Kenya the first of seven countries on our slow journey from there to the continent’s southern coast. We will be starting with only an outline plan of our route, a framework which contains a number of definites and several “must sees” but with a variable plan which is likely to evolve and change as we make our way southwards. All seven countries will be, for us, new African ground. Together we have previously visited Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Cape Verde and Tanzania including Zanzibar, and Michaela has also visited Gambia and Senegal,…