Borderline Ridiculous
I think it’s fair to say that my relationship with technology is an unsteady one. Machines and gadgets which work perfectly well in the hands of others quickly malfunction once I get involved. It’s not just technology either: for instance, hand driers in public toilets often don’t respond to my presence and I’ve sometimes had to ask some mystified stranger to put his hands under the sensor in order to get the damn thing to work.
Touch screens, even at cashpoints, are unpredictable, iphones and ipads pass into mysterious phases which only Michaela can dispel, and when I was working, my ability to bring any machine or IT gadget to its metaphorical knees was legendary. And yes, we’ve got stuck in a lift (elevator).
What’s this got to do with a travel blog? E-passports, that’s what. Is anyone out there suffering from the same backwards progress with technology that I am?
My last passport expired in 2020. Using that document to re-enter the UK was at best hit and miss, in that the machine at the border gave me a positive response on roughly 50% of occasions. I’d like to say the relationship was touch and go but “touch and go” is exactly what I couldn’t bloody do.
Now that I have a nice shiny new e-passport with a state-of-the-art chip, what could possibly go wrong?

In short, everything. So far, it’s a 100% failure rate. As I place that passport on to the sensor, then look up at the camera, my heart sinks as the dreaded words “seek assistance” appear, inevitably, on the screen. Oh for Gods sake, here we go again. But those words are just the start of it.
You see, what happens next is, anyone for whom the computer says no, has to go and join what is effectively the “others” queue – in other words, the queue for people who are not carrying a UK, or EU, or other “friendly” passport. Typically, there will be just one or two booths open to deal with what is usually a giant queue and, of course, this is the very queue which will generate queries over people’s right to enter the UK.
Once such a query crops up, the process grinds to a halt as we all wait in line, not always patiently. And remember, this is me trying to get back into my own country, whereas the vast majority of the queue are not doing any such thing.
The outcome? At Gatwick a few weeks ago, returning from Mexico, it took me over 40 minutes to reach the booth. At Stansted this week, returning from Italy, it was even longer at just over an hour. Remember, these are times IN ADDITION to the time already spent in the initial queue, in order to get to the e-passport machine.
On both occasions, a fed up Michaela has long since collected the bags off the carousel by the time my weary form trudges into the terminal.
I don’t understand why I have to join a queue which will by definition be occupied by potential queries and delays. After all, it isn’t my fault that the machinery doesn’t work, is it. Why isn’t there a simple quick way of dealing with those of us who get the dreaded “seek assistance” display? It’s becoming a torture to get back into my own country.
Oh yes. It’s worth saying….the e-passport has NEVER failed when entering another country, it just fails on re-entering the UK. And also worth saying….I wear glasses. On advice of the authorities, my passport photograph was taken with my glasses removed, and I remove them before I pose for the camera at border control.
Have I asked the border officials why it doesn’t work? Yes. The reply…
“No idea, Sir”.
Well I have no bloody idea either but it’s no fun, I can tell you.

100 Country Trek
Yes we were rejected by Technology with our carry on luggage..it was a mess. The Border Control is a nightmare..it was disgusting. Took us two hours to go through security. Yucky
Phil & Michaela
So many things go backwards in the name of progress!
Andrew Petcher
Welcome back to the failing UK. I am told it represents progress. I don’t think so. What colour passport did you get? If it is a blue one it might not be compatible with EU red. Just a thought.
Phil & Michaela
No it’s not the new blue, it’s the same as the old one. And like I said, it works every time when entering other countries, it just won’t work at the UK border
Andrew Petcher
That is the answer then. EU colour passports don’t work in UK.
Phil & Michaela
Michaela’s does
Andrew Petcher
Someone has to collect the bags from the carousel!
Phil & Michaela
Well, that’s true enough! It took me so long at Stansted that there’d been two more flights worth through the carousel by the time I got there. Moreover, she was desperate for a pee and of course couldn’t leave the bags unattended. Dramas all round!
Monkey's Tale
Oh no! I feel your pain with the automatic bathroom faucets and hand dryers not recognizing me, but the rest, yikes! You take it to a whole new level!!
Maybe you’ve been a bad boy in the past (something that the authorities of the UK are aware of) and now they’re taking revenge. No really, this actually sounds ridiculous … I would be very irritated.
Phil & Michaela
Oooh no I don’t think I’ve been THAT bad!! I even paid all my taxes and everything…
Absolutely, if you have paid your taxes there is absolutely no way you should be treated like this…then the smaller offenses don’t count!
Please forgive me, but this piece did make me chuckle. I’m with you on the e-passport readers though, I have experienced these problems multiple times in different London airports. The plan B they have in place is indeed rubbish and puts you in a really shit mood.
This spoke to my heart. I never considered myself a luddite until recently but I am starting to really hate technology. I was last in the UK 4 years ago and was shocked at how technological Gatwick had become. It was a real pleasure to be served a beer by a real human being in the airport pub – maybe the only human being I spoke to in my time spent at the airport. A futuristic nightmare.
Phil & Michaela
And now you wouldn’t do that either…..most airport bars now make you order from a QR code menu and pay up front
It just gets worse and worse.
It’s only happened to me a few times but yes, the extra time queueing is maddening, when you’ve already done so once!
Mike and Kellye Hefner
And they tout that as “more efficient”. No, it’s not always more efficient. I feel your frustration.
Maybe it’s about the time moving to another country that accept your passport? LOL
The new technology has more hiccups than expected, for sure, but you definitely should not be going to the same queue as ‘others’.
Phil & Michaela
That’s the worst bit!
what an ordeal to go through! Definitely not the ‘welcome home’ feeling that you should have. Epassports haven’t started yet here, but now I’ll be a bit more prepared for them
You sound exactly like Anthony who has the exact same trouble! In Perth though there are different queues for this so that’s extra annoying that UK doesn’t have the same
Maybe you should just go in the other queue first 🤔
What a nightmare, especially these days when there already are a lot of delays and longer wait times than usual. Makes you wonder why you even bother returning home sometimes!!
Phil & Michaela
It does!
Latitude Adjustment: A Tale of Two Wanderers
Didn’t know they call them E Passports. We have them and had no problems but we also have Global Entry which works great.