Boats, Bugs, Booze And Not Doing Things By Halves: Days in Paraty
Just as we’re fearing a stifling night without AC, the lights come back on and we can hear the sound of cheering from neighbouring houses – this has been the second lengthy power outage in our first few days here, brought on this time by the afternoon thunderstorm and lasting until bedtime. It’s been handy then that the Caborê Brewery is only just down the road: brewery means generator which means cold beer and a restaurant which is open, saving us a walk through the rain to those areas unaffected by the outage.
This local beer at Caborê isn’t at all bad, either: more pricey than the ubiquitous Brahma but a real step up in flavour and quality. Also up in flavour, it seems, is our flesh. The local insect community is relishing the opportunity to feast on European meats and is busy leaving little red mountains anywhere on our bodies where they feel like doing so. Michaela is clearly more of a tasty treat than I am, suffers much more than me and spends half of every hour scratching and the other half trying not to. So much for that repellent spray we brought with us which was supposed to be a good one. It’s clearly losing its battle against the Insect Air Force.

You can never be entirely sure about organised boat trips, they can be overpriced disappointments which turn out to be a waste of a day or sometimes rowdy affairs with loud music and too many young people drinking too much booze. Or they can be like our near perfect day with Paraty Tours, on a little wooden schooner with less than twenty passengers on board, which is a delightful tour of five of the hundreds of islands which lay just off the coast here.

Dropping anchor about a hundred yards from shore each time gives us the opportunity to swim from boat to secluded beach, rest a while, spend time inspecting exotic sea shells and wallowing in the water and then swim back to the boat – in the, wait for it, warm Atlantic. Now there’s two words you don’t find together too often. With efficient, well organised staff, clear instructions, decent companions and a perfectly acceptable moqueca freshly prepared on board, it’s a very enjoyable day all round.

It seems some of these islands are privately owned, with Paraty Tours and other operators being granted a licence to call in on excursions like ours. Each such island has an impressive house close to the shore – but we ponder on what it is actually like to spend time, even just a few days, in a place where there is just your house and literally nothing else. There’s no running to the brewery here when the storm comes, that’s for sure.

And the storms do come. Even on the clearest, bluest of mornings, heavy cloud gathers menacingly along the top of the mountains, creeping slowly towards Paraty through the day and, at the same time, darkening ominously. The downpours might start around 4pm, or on other days wait until it’s time to head out for dinner and send everyone scurrying for doorways, bars or, indeed, breweries. Or threaten but never arrive, as on our fifth day here.

Our second day out courtesy of Paraty Tours is almost as good as the first: a Jeep tour deep into the forest within the Serra da Bocaina national park for short hikes to roaring waterfalls and dips in the powerful currents of the cold mountain torrent. Plunging into the colder waters – cold but not icy – is so good in the middle of a humid day. It soothes Michaela’s insect bites too. Walking back to the Jeep through the forest, a real treat as we see our first marmoset. It’s too quick for us to get a photo, but we had been looking forward to seeing these oh so cute creatures, and here is our first, scaling a bamboo and disappearing into the canopy above.

We call in too at a small cachaça distillery, set amongst fields of the sugar cane from which the drink is distilled. Cachaça is, of course, the spirit of caipirinha, the cocktail which turns out to be just as popular here as the guidebooks would have you believe – absolutely everybody is drinking it. Personally I think cachaça is perfectly drinkable neat and unadulterated, but here at the Pedra Branca distillery there is a whole gamut of flavours to try, like vanilla, banana, coffee, chilli…as well as several versions of the original.

The tasting is fun and of course we fall hook, line and sinker for the marketing ploy, arriving home with a tasty little collection which we absolutely didn’t intend to buy. Caipirinha cocktails here are so much stronger, wow they pack a punch. Where caipirinha back home, and in most other places we’ve tried it, is a lemon drink with a dash of cachaça and a spoonful of sugar, here the quantities are reversed – you get a huge slug of alcohol and just a hint of a lemon undertaste.

But then that’s Brazil, really. Cocktails that make your eyes water, bold food combinations, meals that are so big that you could just buy one portion, share it between two and still be satisfied, people that dance in the street and music everywhere, flamboyant soccer, heat and humidity, heavy rain and colossal paradise beaches.
They don’t do things by halves here.

Monkey's Tale
We bought a bug spray (that is not spray) in Colombia that is like a bar of soap. It was very effective. Check to see if they have something similar in a pharmacy there I can try to look up the name I you want. And I agree the Caipirinhas are potent! Maggie
Phil & Michaela
Ah, thanks, Maggie, we’ll look out for that in the shops here. Yes for some reason which we can’t fathom, your comments always need to be “approved” and don’t go straight into the comments. We’ve never been able to work out why!
Monkey's Tale
Really!!! I have a couple of people that it happens to as well. Lovely WP!
Incredible pictures around the bay! Partay just seems more and more inviting…except for the bugs 🙂
Phil & Michaela
We loved Paraty, Meg. Lovely town.
Monkey's Tale
I can’t see my comment here so not sure if you got it, but the bug repellent soap is NOPIKEX. It is excellent. Maggie
Phil & Michaela
Thanks again!
Helen Devries
You had a good tour operator…..those trips look splendid.
Phil & Michaela
Yeah they were pretty good, which isn’t always the case with such people.
I can see why you wouldn’t want to leave this place. Those islands and the sea look perfect. Michaela is clearly not drinking enough alcohol! The only thing we found for bites is tiger balm, probably not available there though.
What fun days you are having
Phil & Michaela
Paraty was lovely, Ali. Could easily have stayed longer!
It’s clear you’re having a great time there despite the pesky bugs. Michaela has my sympathy – they always make a beeline (pun intended!) for me too, leaving Chris barely touched, even though I douse myself in repellent and he hardly ever uses it 🙄 The tours sound excellent, especially the boat tour, and the drinks don’t sound half bad either!
Phil & Michaela
We’re usually exactly that way, but they’ve even taken a few bites out of me too this time. What a lovely place Paraty is, Sarah, so much to do and such wonderful surroundings. We could easily be persuaded to kick around a while.
Annie Berger
Looks like you lucked out with your Paraty Tours – as you said, that’s not always the case. A warm Atlantic – not a combination I’ve heard of before!
Phil & Michaela
I know, amazing! So lovely here….
All looks great – including the two of you despite the discomfort!! Alcohol is a wonderful thing!!!
Phil & Michaela
There speaks our Irish friend 😂😂
Brazil sounds intense, big, bold and beautiful. Not so those insect bites, I’m like Michaela, they simply love gnawing on me. Keep enjoying, the tours sound wonderful as do the cold drinks!!
Phil & Michaela
We’re loving Paraty, Miriam. Great location!
Gilda Baxter
I am glad that you are back in Brazil and enjoying Paraty. It is a beautiful region and the historical town is very charming, such a shame about the power cuts, but I remember the tropical storms can be a problem. We did a few tours with Paraty Tours and really enjoyed them. Keep enjoying your caipirinhas 😀
Phil & Michaela
You’re so right, Gilda, it’s absolutely glorious round here, such spectacularly beautiful country. Fabulous place. You hail from a wonderful country!
Sailing round those islands looks idyllic, and I’m quite partial to a caipirinha too.
Phil & Michaela
Idyllic is the word, Jo. Such a beautiful destination.
How cool! Loved the pictures!
Phil & Michaela
Thank you Jyothi, it is indeed beautiful here
Enjoy 🙂
Lynette d'Arty-Cross
Nice that you found a good local tour operator and your photos are great. Nice picture of the two of you enjoying your trip.
I have experienced some nasty bug environments (including the Arctic in summer when the mosquitoes, horse flies and black flies will literally swarm you and take chunks of flesh and litres of blood) and have always gone back to using DEET when it’s really bad. Close seconds are lemon eucalyptus oil and picaridin. These also work well but I find that the bugs really stay away when I use DEET, even in the most infested environments.
Phil & Michaela
These little devils have been eating DEET-covered flesh. Even that hasn’t won the battle!
Lynette d'Arty-Cross
Yikes! Those are some kind of bugs! Maybe spray it more often??? Carrying bug spray in your pocket may be necessary!
You sound and look to be having a fabulous time, with the exception of the bitey things. Insects are attracted to my blood too – I have been known to have a cold shower at midnight to relieve the itching! I hope Michaela finds the stuff recommended. Copious amounts of alcohol also helps!
Phil & Michaela
So many great things about this town and area, Jude. So beautiful. And a warm Atlantic, how about that!!?
That’s truly amazing.
Michaela is so sweet, isn’t she🙂 Other than that, it looks like you’re having a fantastic time!
Phil & Michaela
She’s sweet and she’s funny and she’s inspired. She’s the best 😌❤️
And she takes great photos!
Travels Through My Lens
Like you, we’re always skeptical of tours, but it looks like you found a good one. Your photos are stunning; particularly the waterfalls in the jungle. I’m looking forward to reading more about your adventures.
Phil & Michaela
Thank you, definitely more to come!
Well, you’ve made us both pine for paraty even more. The waterfalls are impressive but I’d probably on the floor after one of those Caipirinha cocktails…
Phil & Michaela
So many places to visit, we could easily have extended our stay if it wasn’t for forward commitments
Image Earth Travel
A wonderful post and photos! Totally understand the apprehension about booking a boat trip in different countries. Often, you can end up in a dodgy, leaky boat, especially in Asia. Or, going through the Patagonian Fjords aboard a boat for several days that carries cattle with the stench coming through your cabin. I could go on about boat trips sold as great safe trips in different countries but turn out to be nothing more than a canoe to cross a sea!
Having lived on a boat for 21 years, I would never get on similar boats at home as some of the vessels I’ve booked overseas, Then again, they’re not like that in Australia with our stringent laws…but that’s travelling. 😉
Phil & Michaela
Thank you so much. Yep, we’ve had significantly variable experiences with such things!
Paraty lives up to its reputation as a tourist destination with a good range of different activities. I was initially attracted by the city’s colonial architecture, but obviously there’s more to it than that.
Phil & Michaela
Being surrounded by such dramatic scenery – mountains, waterfalls, coastline – means there are several activity tour operators in the town, jeeps and boats abound. But it retains its quiet, gentle character, the tourism is in no way overblown
It’s too bad about the power outages, but it sounds like you didn’t suffer too much during them! The bug situation on the other hand … doesn’t sound fun. Agreed, organized tours can be hit or miss but it sounds like both your Paraty Tours were a hit.
Phil & Michaela
Yep they were pretty good!
I too have skin that seems to attract biting bugs, my sympathies to Michaela. Those little islands almost look painted scenes, the boat ride is calling to me…
Phil & Michaela
Such a lovely place, Ruth. Right up there….
Living in the sub-tropics I am a tasty treat for any flying bug in coo-ee. However, I have found that my father’s old wives tale of eating Vegemite ( not smothering yourself in it! Agh!) wards off mozzies. I cheated a bit – as Vegemite is high in Vit B, I supplemented with Vit B complex and yeast in food form. So far it has worked but then Brazilian bugs may have superpowers! The coves in the photographs look divine, as does that cocktail? Happy Travels Phil and Michaela.
Phil & Michaela
Such a lovely place in beautiful surroundings!
Sometimes one has to find out from the locals what works best for insect bites – perhaps your European version is not so powerful! Your boat trip looks incredibly nice – beautiful photos. A walk in the forest and the tasting of Cachaça … sounds to me you guys are having a wonderful time!
Phil & Michaela
Yeah it was good – and actually the insect problem calmed down after a few days