Great Zimbabwe
Africa,  History,  Wildlife,  Zimbabwe

The Lost City Of Great Zimbabwe 

We make our way along the dusty path from the sparsely populated car park having read something of the history and importance of the place we are approaching, but with little idea of just how engaging Great Zimbabwe is going to be. Listed by The Guardian newspaper as one of the world’s great lost cities and a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1986, this is a place of mystical charm and fantastic workmanship from centuries back. Such is the importance of this site that is from here that the newly independent Zimbabwe took its name (Zimbabwe = houses of stone).

The great enclosure Great Zimbabwe
The Great Enclosure
The great enclosure Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe

It’s not uncommon when entering a lost city to let the imagination take over, that feeling of picturing the city as it was in its pomp, what life must have been like, how grand it must have felt to be in the court of the King. But here at Great Zimbabwe, there are extra elements: the intrigue of its narrow winding passageways, the evocative nature of the climb to the summit but, perhaps above all, the level of craftsmanship which went into its remarkably durable construction.

Constructed by the Bantu-Shona people between the 12th and 15th centuries, this city at 1100 metres above sea level may have been home to around 10,000 people, a considerable size settlement for this area at that time. An impressive amount of the structures remain, in three separate sections stretching across nearly 3 square miles in total. The dry stone method of construction has stood the test of time incredibly well, and as we stand at the foot of the mighty walls of the Great Enclosure our thoughts are hooked on the huge amount of effort which must have gone into the city’s creation.

The great enclosure Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe
The great enclosure Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe

Every single one of the stones in the construction needed to be moulded into the correct shape, a method which involved the making of fire followed by the application of water, enabling the rough granite to be fashioned into flat “bricks”. But there’s more: decorative linear features such as herringbone and chevron patterns, and sweeping radius corners via which the exterior walls curl around the concentric elipses of the main body, all add to the allure of this remarkable spectacle.

Agama lizard at Great Zimbabwe
Agama lizard

The sheer size of the sweeping curve of the wall of the Great Enclosure is astonishing: the largest intact section is 250 metres long and 11 metres high, but for us it’s that perfectly constructed curve which is perhaps the single most eye catching aspect. It takes quite a while to explore and to stand and stare, marvelling at the unbelievable number of shaped granite building blocks forming such impressive shapes. In the middle stands the Conical Tower, for some time a mystery in itself as to any practical function it may have had but now believed to be simply a show of power and wealth.

The great enclosure Great Zimbabwe
Big walls

We climb to the summit of the Hill Ruins, as the name implies the highest of the three sections, soaking in the magnificent views, before descending down the steep, narrow pathway which is the very route used by those people all those centuries ago. It feels magical and mystical to be following in their footsteps down this unusual, tight passageway which quickly drops 100m from summit to ground.

Hill ruins Great Zimbabwe
On the summit

On the flat field between the sites on this particular Saturday there is a rather more modern aspect on view: marquees, a stage and copious quantities of portable toilets all being put into place. Tomorrow this whole field will see a day of celebration, and the President himself will be here. September 15th is a newly inaugurated annual festival known as Munhumutapa Day, timed to coincide with the top man’s birthday on that very date. Munhumutapa is the path declared by President Mnangagwa to rebuild Zimbabwe for the benefit of everyone, and rebuild “stone by stone”, referencing of course those methods which created Great Zimbabwe in the first place. The movement has reportedly resonated in particular with the youth of the country.

Hill ruins Great Zimbabwe
Hill ruins
Hill ruins Great Zimbabwe
Hill ruins

Our journey from Bulawayo to Great Zimbabwe soon dispelled any trepidation of driving here which we may have felt: the road surfaces soon improving once out of the city to reveal only lightweight traffic for mile after mile. The effects of the drought are all too obvious: bone dry riverbeds, failing crops and arid fields rolling on and on for the first few hours. Only as we approach the open and attractive town of Masvingo does the land become marginally more fertile, greenery at last colouring the scenery as the glinting surface of Lake Mutirikwi appears in the distance.

View of Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe
Lake Mutirikwi
Kyle Dam, near Great Zimbabwe
Kyle Dam

For our second day here at Great Zimbabwe we drive the full circumference of the lake, over the top of the giant Kyle Dam at its eastern end and round to the Kyle Game Reserve which borders the lake’s shores. We don’t see much in the way of wildlife – baboons, eland and duiker aside – but it’s fun to drive the dusty tracks on what is our first self-drive safari. Shades of what lies ahead in Namibia maybe.

Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe
Dead trees in Lake Mutirikwi
Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe
Lake Mutirikwi

There’s something odd about the scenery though – well, odd for us Brits anyway. This is Zimbabwe’s winter, the deciduous trees are completely barren, devoid of leaves and drawing skeletal sketches against the backdrop of the clear sky. But it’s searingly hot, and that’s what’s odd. For those of us used to seeing winter a long way north of the equator, the experience of witnessing something which has the look of an English January yet is baking under a blazing sun, is a strange sensation.

As we head north east away from Great Zimbabwe, we pass through regions where that incongruous mix is even more evident as dense forests of wintry trees cope with the dry heat of the season. On we go towards the mountains and the very different terrain which surrounds the place they call Nyanga….


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