Africa,  Independent travel,  Travel Blog

Our Next Adventure: Nairobi To Cape Town Through 7 Countries

Yep, that’s what we’re doing next. In the middle of July we’ll be flying out to Nairobi, so making Kenya the first of seven countries on our slow journey from there to the continent’s southern coast. We will be starting with only an outline plan of our route, a framework which contains a number of definites and several “must sees” but with a variable plan which is likely to evolve and change as we make our way southwards.

All seven countries will be, for us, new African ground. Together we have previously visited Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Cape Verde and Tanzania including Zanzibar, and Michaela has also visited Gambia and Senegal, but this next adventure will take us through a whole host of so far unseen lands.

At this stage our planned route will take us through Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and, ultimately, South Africa. It goes without saying that wildlife spotting will play a huge part in this adventure: no doubt there will be safari experiences, long journeys across the plains, places with reputations for some of the best wildlife experiences on Earth. But that won’t be all.

We will be seeking to explore cultures very different from our own, cuisines with unknown and untried foods, people and places with unfamiliar lifestyles. And we are looking to build in a bit of excitement, a bit of journeying into the unknown – we picture arriving in places knowing what our next destination is but not knowing how we get there, finding our way through unfamiliar territory with a dash of improvisation and resourcefulness. 

Filled already with excitement, our countdown to our next adventure has begun, it’s just over three weeks until we leave these shores and start our journey. If all goes to plan it’ll be a full four months before we reacquaint ourselves with England.

Africa awaits.


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