About this blog

How to use our blog. To find out where we are now or to read our recent posts, go to the “blog” section in the menu or headings above. To find blogs from previous adventures, go to the part of the world in the headings above and the destinations are on drop downs. To find our beliefs and travel philosophies, and a bit about who we are, go to “Phil & Michaela”.

After years of dreaming and months of planning, we retired at the end of 2019 to fulfil our dream of travelling instead of working, with the aim of just heading wherever we wanted. The dream began on 29th January 2020 as we headed off to South East Asia. Just 7 weeks later, with Covid-19 taking over the world, we had to abandon our trip, escape from Vietnam before they threw us into quarantine, and head back to England.

At the time it seemed unbelievable that the world could be shut down in the very year we were to realise our dreams, so 2020 then became a year of being resourceful and inventive to try and salvage some of our dreams.

We were indeed resourceful, travelling during the pandemic whenever and wherever we were permitted, until mercifully things started to return to normal. Since then the dream has become reality, travelling the world and even resurrecting that interrupted journey through South East Asia.


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